Saturday, August 31, 2019

Reconstituting Local Manufacturing Essay

Is it possible to reconstitute local manufacturing and local food markets, or has Globalization ultimately made this impossible? The global economy and marketplace have impacted local industry and local manufacturing harshly. With consumers having choices from international companies able to import their products, a common market pool for the whole world, it has become more difficult for the local merchants to thrive. Also, many Western companies have established themselves in developing countries, such as McDonalds and Starbucks, with over 31,000 and 18,000 locations operating worldwide respectively. While the influx of multi national corporations has created economic opportunities for many in the communities that they operate within. However, with this prosperity has come the evaporation of local industries. What are some of the factors that could help or inhibit the reconstitution of local manufacturing and local food markets. One enormous problem could be the price of doing business and the amount of capital it takes to operate in these markets. These international companies have vast reserves of capital to fund their operations in various countries, even buying up local enterprises to reduce their competition. These corporations also spend an enormous amount of cash on advertising. Thus they are able to extend their brand recognition into their new destinations. This is the formula that has also worked well in American cities. Companies are able to buy out their competition with less expensive production costs or less overhead. These companies can operate on a smaller margin than the local merchants, who do not have the benefit of mass produced overseas inventory. (Kantor, 2002). On a political scale, globalization has had an effect on the policies put into place by local entities that have an impact on the local manufacturing and food market. Through the increased surge in international competition, national policies that are aimed at preserving the structure of local communities and upholding social equality have dwindled and been phased out. Looking to nurture economic growth, many local governments invite foreign investments (Held & McGrew, 2012). While these foreign investors infuse  currency into the local economies, the toll they take on the local markets, may not be worth the tradeoff. Could the local governments be taking or mismanaging the funds? Perhaps the cash infusion could be put to better use to help stabilize or revitalize the local manufacturing and markets. The case could also be made that the concessions that the local governments make to entice international companies into their country make it difficult for or at the least do not address the local manufacturing companies and their concerns. Because of the problems caused for the local manufacturing and food markets, wages and income for the local population also suffers, which influences their purchasing power. This creates a circular effect because without purchasing power the local community cannot support more local manufacturing. This is certainly a way in which globalization has hindered local manufacturing and will make it difficult to reconstitute it in the future. Some of the ideals championed by those who favor globalization will naturally work against the reconstitution of local manufacturing and food markets. For example, the principle of economic advantage commonly referred to as the iron law, demands that the best of the countries that initiate competitive strategies is deemed to outdo other competitors from the market. Put simply, if a particular foreign country grows a particular local product more efficiently, then there would be no need to grow the product locally (Davis, 2012). This would force the importation of the product from a foreign country which would obviously hamper the ability of local establishments to be able to compete in that market. In fact, some experts think that because of globalization, in the future all food consumed in America will be imported from elsewhere. It has become financially beneficial to import food instead of growing it locally. This change in economic patterns in response to globalization has hampered the growth of the local industry (Obstfeld, 2000). And functioning in this way will certainly hamper the local manufacturing and food markets to be reestablished and flourish. Another factor of globalization that is well documented is that of outsourcing jobs to developing countries with a cheaper labor force. Much of  this outsourcing has come in the manufacturing sector with many American workers losing their jobs to countries such as China and India. This outsourcing has a great negative impact on the local industry as it deprives it of a reliable workforce (Kantor, 2012). Without stemming the flow of such work overseas, it would make it very difficult to reconstitute the local manufacturing. For those countries that receive these workers however, there is an enormous benefit to their manufacturing sector. The influx of capital from foreign companies investing in their country and the employment opportunities they provide for the workforce give a boost to the local economy. With continued investments coming in and plenty of jobs for their workforce, globalization has actually strengthened the local manufacturing of many foreign countries. Thom Hartman makes some interesting points in his Huffington Post article. Mr. Hartman describes how globalization is destroying the United States’ wealth through multinational corporations transferring all of their manufacturing overseas. He points out that in the late 1940’s and 1950’s manufacturing accounted for 28 percent of the United States total gross domestic product. Even during the Reagan administration is was at 20 percent. However, today it is about ten percent of our GDP (Hartmann, 2010). By shipping so much of our manufacturing overseas, the US is no longer self sufficient and able to create much wealth. By not generating wealth, but rather spending it on all of the foreign manufactured goods, there has been a slow degrading of the nation’s middle class. Of course, we as consumers love the idea of paying less for our goods, but it has to be realized that it comes at a cost. Many companies have cut jobs or reduced salaries, so those â€Å"cheap† goods are not such a bargain anymore. For this trend to stop and be reversed, nations such as the United States must rebuild their manufacturing base and become locally self-sufficient again (Hartmann, 2010). The idea would be for the country’s consumers to buy products manufactured by their own workers. While no answers or even ideas for reversing the problem globalization has caused were offered, it paints a clear picture that something needs to be done quickly. References Kantor Paul, (2002). Cities in the International Marketplace: The Political Economy of Urban Development in North America and Western Europe. Princeton University Press Hartmann, Thom, (2010). Globalization Is Killing The Globe: Return to Local Economies. Retrieved from Held, D. & McGrew, A. (2012) Globalization Theory: Approaches and Controversies. (2012), Cambridge. Davis, C. L.(2012). Why Adjudicate? Enforcing Trade Rules in the WTO. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Retrieved January 30, 2015, from Project MUSE database. Obstfeld, Maurice (2000). The Global Capital Market: Benefactor or Menace? The Journal of Economic Perspectives , Vol. 12, No. 4., pp. 9-30.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Personal Use As Teachers Education Essay

In the personal usage as instructors, we will be researching the Howard Gardner theory and the differences usages it can hold and its importance in kids ‘s acquisition procedure. In this undertaking you can see the definition and information of The Multiple Intelligences Theory of Howard Gardner and the impact it has in the learning procedure of the pupils in the schoolroom. This research undertaking will besides concentrate in how this theory aims to spread out and do the acquisition procedure of the pupil wider and easier, learning the pupil the stuff piece at the same clip doing usage of his abilities and accomplishments to do this procedure faster and efficient. This theory explains that in the schoolroom we will happen, as future pedagogues, a diverseness of pupils with different types of intelligences and abilities that will impact the manner they learn and get cognition. This theory helps each pupil have the same chance to develop their intelligences. This theory can be applied by the instructor in the schoolroom in different ways. For illustration: by cognizing that each pupil learns in different ways, the instructor can integrate what he is learning with each pupil intelligences ; for illustration, allow ‘s state in the Spanish category the instructor have to discourse a narrative, than if some pupils are good at larning through music, he can unite singing with the narrative narrative, or if the pupil is good at logic, he can give them logical exercisings including narrative elements. We hope you enjoy this research undertaking every bit much as we did! Approach Theory This theory state us about the difference intelligence people posses, the public-service corporation and importance it has in the schoolroom and pupil larning procedure. The theory of the Multiple Intelligence that Howard Gardner proposes, is about how each individual learn in different manner by including the intelligence they posses with what they are been taught. There are eight different intelligences that had been officially identify and recognized, these are: lingual ( â€Å" word smart † ) , logical-mathematical ( â€Å" number/reasoning smart † ) , spacial ( â€Å" image smart † ) , bodily-kinesthetic ( â€Å" organic structure smart † ) , musical ( â€Å" music smart † ) , interpersonal ( â€Å" people smart † ) , intrapersonal ( â€Å" self smart † ) , naturalist ( â€Å" nature smart † ) . In other words we can state multiple Intelligences are eight different ways to show rational ability. The theory of multiple intelligences proposes a major transmutation in the manner our schools are run. It suggests that instructors be trained to show their lessons in a broad assortment of ways utilizing music, concerted acquisition, art activities, function drama, multimedia, field trips, interior contemplation, and much more. The theory of multiple intelligences has strong deductions for grownup acquisition and development. Many grownups find themselves in occupations that do non do optimum usage of their most extremely developed intelligences ( for illustration, the extremely bodily-kinesthetic person who is stuck in a lingual or logical desk-job when he or she would be much happier in a occupation where they could travel about, The theory of multiple intelligences gives grownups a whole new manner to look at their lives, analyzing potencies that they left buttocks in their childhood. Here are the different intelligences, a brief description and the accomplishments each of them: AAThe pupils with the visual/spatial intelligence have the ability to comprehend the ocular. These scholars tend to believe in images and need to make graphic mental images to retain information. They enjoy looking at maps, charts, images, pictures, and films. The accomplishments they have ( which instructors should hold in head when learning them ) are: mystifier edifice, reading, composing, understanding charts and graphs, and many more. Students with the verbal/linguistic intelligence have abilities that include the usage of words and linguistic communication. These scholars have extremely developed auditory accomplishments and are by and large elegant talkers. They think in words instead than images. Their accomplishments include: hearing, speech production, composing, narrative relation, explicating, instruction, utilizing wit, etc.A Peoples with the logical/mathematical intelligence have the ability to utilize ground, logic and Numberss. These scholars think conceptually in logical and numerical forms doing connexions between pieces of information. Always funny about the universe around them, these learner ask tonss of inquiries and like to make experiments. Their accomplishments include: job resolution, sorting and categorising information, working with abstract constructs to calculate out the relationship of each to the other, etc. Learners with the bodily/kinesthetic intelligence have the ability to command organic structure motions and handle objects skilfully. These scholars express themselves through motion. They have a good sense of balance and eye-hand co-ordination. ( e.g. ball drama, equilibrating beams ) . Through interacting with the infinite around them, they are able to retrieve and treat information. Their accomplishments include: dance, physical co-ordination, athleticss, custodies on experimentation, utilizing organic structure linguistic communication, trades, moving, miming, utilizing their custodies to make or construct, showing emotions through the organic structure. Students with the musical/rhythmic intelligence have the ability to bring forth and appreciate music. These musically inclined scholars think in sounds, beat and forms. They instantly respond to music either appreciating or knocking what they hear. Many of these scholars are highly sensitive to environmental sounds ( e.g. crickets, bells, dripping lights-outs ) . Their accomplishments include: vocalizing, whistling, playing musical instruments, acknowledging tonic forms, composing music, retrieving tunes, understanding the construction and beat of music. Those who possess the interpersonal intelligence have the ability to associate and understand others. These scholars try to see things from other people ‘s point of position in order to understand how they think and feel. Their accomplishments include: seeing things from other positions ( dual-perspective ) , listening, utilizing empathy, understanding other people ‘s tempers and feelings, reding, co-operating with groups, detecting people ‘s tempers, A and many more. Having the intrapersonal intelligence will give you the ability to self-reflect and be cognizant of one ‘s interior province of being. These scholars try to understand their interior feelings, dreams, relationships with others, and strengths and failings. Their accomplishments include: Acknowledging their ain strengths and failings, reflecting and analysing themselves, consciousness of their interior feelings, desires and dreams, measuring their thought forms, concluding with themselves, understanding their function in relationship to others. The pupils with the realistic smart being able to touch, experience, keep, and seek practical hands-on experiences, but by and large out-of-doorss within the environment, nature and animate beings. Being Naturalistic agencies you are really interested and funny of your surroundings.A These scholars enjoy playing out and traveling on trips to larn about the environment and the animate beings. And likely maintain or like pets, and dislike pollution and people that litter. Their accomplishments include: May be really interested in species, or in the environment and the Earth, may hold a strong affinity to the outside universe or to animate beings, they may bask topics like biological science, vegetation, geology, weather forecasting, astronomy fauna, or palaeontology. Design ( Classroom usage )AThe instructor ( utilizing wholly this theory ) aims to learn the assigned stuff in a different manner for each group of pupils that posses the same intelligence. For this, the instructor has to place by giving a trials to the pupils, how many of them belong to a peculiar intelligence group. Once all the pupils intelligence had been identify they are divided and grouped together merely with the pupils they portion the same intelligence. The pupils that possess the lingual intelligence acquire together in a side of the schoolroom, while the pupils with the musical intelligence acquire together in a different side, same applies to every other intelligence. After all the pupils are in groups with the pupils that posses the same intelligence as them, the instructor will learn the exact same category stuff to each group but otherwise to each of them. If the instructor is learning about animate beings who eat merely veggies, the group of pupils possessing the lin gual intelligence can read about it, the group of pupils possessing the logical-mathematical intelligence could utilize mathematical expressions to show it, pupils with the visual-spatial intelligence can analyze a in writing chart that illustrates the rule ; like this illustrations, the remainder of the groups will larn and be taught the same stuff but in a different manner. By learning to a pupil ‘s intelligences and by leting them to show themselves utilizing their preferable intelligences the full schoolroom can be enriched. Students will research the Multiple Intelligences theories and larn to plan lesson programs that appeal to assorted intelligences. But, apart of separately utilizing a different method for each pupils, another signifier of utilizing the Multiple Intelligences Theory would be for all the pupils, no affair which intelligence they are portion of, to be taught with every other intelligence method, this will affect everyone in the schoolroom into a better acquisition experience in my sentiment and I think is really the one most instructors use now yearss. For illustration: Teachers should construction the presentation of stuff in a manner which engages most or all of the intelligences. For illustration, when learning about the radical war, a instructor can demo pupils conflict maps, play radical war vocals, form a function drama of the sign language of the Declaration of Independence, and have the pupils read a novel about life during that period. This sort of presentation non merely excites pupils about acquisition, but it besides allows a instructor to reenforce the same stuff in a assortment of ways. By triping a broad mixture of intelligences, learning in this mode can ease a deeper apprehension of the capable stuff. When sing multiple intelligences in the schoolroom, a instructor should avoid the impulse to label kids as holding merely one such type. Many kids will hold strengths and failings in more than one of these countries. All kids in the schoolroom should be encouraged to seek new things and research every construct through a broad assortment of experiences. Showing stuff in assorted ways allows instructors to make more pupils, potentially extinguishing the defeat when some merely do n't look to â€Å" acquire it. † The benefits of integrating the Multiple Intelligences Theory in the schoolroom would be: Provide reliable experiences for pupils based on single demands. Longer storage of memory because activities are meaningful and connect to personal experiences. Activities/performances may increase parent engagement in the schoolroom and school. Students able to show and portion strength. Students to derive self assurance because they are demoing off their country of strength. Decision Once we finish our Research Paper Project we notice that there exists some theory elements form the Multiple Intelligence Theory that we did n't know.A When we began our research, we found some different information. In some resources at that place appear seven intelligences but in others appear eight.A Finally we can reason that there are eight different types of intelligences. Thankss to this research we learn about diverse and different instruction techniques and schemes that the instructor may utilize in the classroom.A We like being working and look intoing because we had learn different techniques that we can utilize to affect our pupils in class.A This theory is really utile for teachers.A We think that every instructor should incorporate this theory in their categories in order to introduce and make interesting categories for their pupils.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Analysis Of The Medical Marketplace Health And Social Care Essay

Although my brother was a comparatively healthy babe, he suffered from terrible asthma onslaughts. At the clip, the interventions of asthma onslaughts were unwritten bronchodilators because inhalators were non readily available to be purchased in Nigeria. The customary process for antagonizing reoccurring asthma onslaughts was for one to see their physician, who would order one an unwritten bronchodilator that one could so buy from their local pharmaceutics. So my female parent took my brother to our local baby doctor who examined him and prescribed the unwritten bronchodilator, aminophylline. ( Harmonizing to the NIH, aminophylline is used to forestall and handle wheezing, shortness of breath, and trouble external respiration caused by asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and other lung diseases. It relaxes and opens air transitions in the lungs, doing it easier to take a breath ) . She so went to our local pharmaceutics to buy the aminophylline with the trade name name Franol. As a pediatrician-in-training, my Dad vehemently agreed with this determination and was the primary force in forcing the visit to the physician. He remembered that there were non many other merchandises on the Nigerian market that would be effectual. My female parent gave him one pill instantly and took him place to rest. Weeks subsequently my ma, a physician-in-training herself, was reading a local medical diary when she came to an article about forgery Franol. The article stated that there was imitative Franol on the market that was being distributed to all the pharmaceuticss in the state. Could I hold given my boy bogus medicine † , my female parent idea. This was in fact the instance. Even though the Franol had the exact same pill signifier and was the exact same medicine that had been successful in so many other instances, the Franol she had given to her boy was forgery. She was devastated: â€Å" I merely could n’t believe it † . Unfortunately, this was non her lone experience with imitative medicine ; anti-malarial forgeries were besides common in Nigeria. This occurred in the late eightiess as was mentioned before. One would hold expected that things have gotten much better. Unfortunately, non much had changed when my pa visited earlier this twelvemonth. In fact, as my male parent provinces, some facets have become even more inferior: â€Å" some things are worse as doctors now openly divert patients to their private clinics, something that was barely seen during my clip at that place † . So the basic inquiry that most would inquire is: why has at that place been so small alteration in the efficaciousness of the medical market place? Why can the Nigerian medical market place non germinate to go like that of the United States or others that are smartly regulated? The inquiry is more sophisticated answer than one would anticipate In fact, these inquiries can merely be answered by analysing another inquiry and the cardinal issue of my treatment: how and why does the efficaciousness of the Nigerian medical market place differ from the American system? To be clear, when I mention medical market place, I am specifically mentioning to the buying, merchandising, and efficaciousness of pharmaceuticals and equipment as they are distributed and wheedled in the community to ordain good wellness. Before I delve more profoundly into the issue, it is necessary to set the treatment into context with a elaborate description of Nigeria ( in contrast with the U.S. ) including critical statistics and wellness attention systems, among other things. With a late counted population of more than 144 million people, Nigeria is the most thickly settled state in Africa. Compare this to somewhat more than 300 million in the United States. Located in West Africa, it is somewhat more than twice the size of California and boundary lines the Gulf of Guinea, between Benin and Cameroon. Life anticipation is 44 old ages and 45 per centum of the population is under 15 old ages of age ( Chankova et al. , 1 ) , while life anticipation in the U.S. is about 70 old ages of age. The under-five mortality rate per 1,000 unrecorded births is 201 while the maternal mortality rate is estimate at 800 per 100,000 unrecorded births ( 1 ) . Among the major subscribers to the disease load of the state are malaria, TB, and HIV/AIDS. There are great disparities in wellness position and equity of wellness attention among different population groups in Nigeria. For illustration â€Å" the under-five mortality rate in rural countries is estimated at 243 per 1,000 unrecorded births, compared to 153 per 1,000 in urban countries. While 59 per centum of adult females in urban countries deliver with a physician, nurse, or mid married woman, merely 26 per centum of adult females in rural countries do so † ( 1 ) . Harmonizing to the World Health Organization, the entire outgo on wellness in Nigeria as per centum of GDP is equal to 4.1, about four times less than that of the United State at 15.5 per centum. The national wellness attention policies, schemes, and guidelines have been mostly related to turn to the wellness jobs related to malaria, TB, and HIV/AIDS. â€Å" A five-year strategic program for RBM was developed with chief aims to cut down the morbidity and mortality of malaria by 25 per centum by the terminal of 2005, peculiarly among pregnant adult females ; and to cut down malaria instance human death by 10 per centum in pregnant adult females and kids by the terminal of 2005 † ( 2 ) . However, these attempts have mostly been uneffective because of corruptness and inefficiency. The wellness service proviso in Nigeria includes a broad scope of suppliers in both the populace and private sector, such as public installations, every bit good as community based and religions based organisations. Nigeria is a federation with three grades of authorities: federal, province, and local. Responsibility for wellness service to the populace is based on this organisation. Each degree has a primary function in this wellness duty, which is non unlike that of the U.S. The first degree of attention is local. Facilities at this degree organize the entry point of the community into the wellness attention system. â€Å" They include wellness centres and clinics, dispensaries, and wellness stations, supplying general preventative, healing, and pre-referral attention. Primary installations are typically staffed by nurses, community wellness officers, community wellness extension workers, and environmental wellness officers. Local Government Areas are mandated by the fundamental law to finance and manage primary wellness attention † ( 2 ) . The following degree is province, including secondary attention installations. Secondary attention installations include â€Å" general infirmaries, supplying general medical and research lab services, every bit good as specialized wellness services, such as surgery, paediatricss, OBs and gynaecology. General infirmaries are typically staffed by doctors, nurses, accoucheuses, research lab and pharmaceutics spe cializers, and community wellness officers. Secondary degree installations serve as referral points for primary wellness attention installations. Each territory or zone is expected to hold at least one secondary degree wellness installation † ( 2 ) . The largest degree of attention is federal or third. The third degree installations form the highest degree of wellness attention in the state and include specializer and instruction infirmaries and federal medical centres. They treat patients referred from the primary and secondary degree and have particular expertness and â€Å" fully fledged technological capacity that enables them to function as referral centres and resource centres for cognition coevals and diffusion. Each province has at least one third installation. Primary and secondary degree of attention is besides provided by the mostly unregulated private wellness sector, which includes a broad scope of suppliers such as physician patterns, clinics, and infirmaries â €  ( 2 ) . Outside of the modern wellness attention system, faith-based organisations support clinics and infirmaries and traditional herb doctors are another often used beginning of attention. Nigeria has one of the largest stocks of human resources for wellness in Africa comparable merely to Egypt and South Africa. There are about 35,000 physicians and 210,000 nurses registered in the state, which translates into 28 physicians and 170 nurses per 100,000 in the population. ( 3 ) . However, this figure is still dwarfed by the United States. In comparing, the U.S has 218 physicians and 958 nurses per 100,000. In add-on, there is a really limited ( about non-existent ) local capacity for research and development of advanced pharmaceutical drugs to be put in to the medical market place. This means that the local fabrication capacity is merely geared towards a little category of common generic merchandises that are comparatively easy to fabricate. Even so, much of that capacity is for secondary packaging instead than for existent fabrication. Harmonizing to my male parent: â€Å" capacity use is merely approximately 40 % due to hapless basic substructure such as electric power coevals † . Imagine what that excess 40 per centum could make. In footings of the medical market place, a prescription is non needed to purchase antibiotics and most common medicines in Nigeria. Prescriptions are merely needed for controlled substances like opiods or benzodiazepines. Peoples can acquire ill and walk into a pharmaceutics inquiring for a peculiar sort of antibiotic. An immediate return of antibiotics is non possible without a prescription in the U.S. As good, Nigeria relies to a great extent on importing of finished pharmaceutical merchandises to run into national drug demands. Therefore, the pharmaceutical supply concatenation is really helter-skelter and until late was really ill regulated. Even so, the current regulative system has really limited capacity, particularly with the widespread corruptness and unequal enforcement of Torahs and ordinances, some of which are long disused. Unlike in the US, go oning instruction is non emphasized. Health attention suppliers frequently are non held decently accountable for their determina tions on attention, mostly because the patients are by and large uninformed and unempowered to be spouses in their attention. Added to all of the above is the fact that there is widespread superstitious notion, ignorance, and poorness. Many people still believe an unwellness to be a expletive visited on them by wicked/evil people or the spirit of their ascendants. There are still deep rooted beliefs in enchantresss. As a consequence, people foremost consult mediums, churches, mosques, traditional medical specialty men/women, and untrained drug shop attenders for intervention of common complaints. Others self-medicate. Often, the people use the infirmary or trained physician ‘s office as a last resort when their conditions are in advanced phases or worse, terminal. Let me besides add that in infirmaries and exigency suites, drugs and other supplies are frequently non-existent. In fact, my pa recounted sing a kids ‘s exigency room 6 old ages back: â€Å" I remember sing a kids ‘s exigency room in 2004 when we visited merely to see a kid with diabetic coma whose parents were told to travel to a pharmaceutics shop in town to purchase their ain insulin, syringe, needle, extract set, and extract, among other supplies needed. As if that was non bad plenty, subsequently he was told by the physicians in the exigency room that the insulin he bought was forgery and that it will non cut down the girl ‘s blood sugar. He now had to travel looking for a echt insulin injection † . An incident like this is can ne’er go on in the United States. If this were to go on in the U.S. and be reported by the imperativeness, there would instantly be an probe into the infirmary ‘s method, people would be arrested and caputs would tur n over. But in Nigeria, no one even water chickweeds. Subsequently my male parent recounted some more of his experiences with the medical market place in Nigeria: â€Å" In 2005, I was in another infirmary to see the caput of the infirmary who used to be my co-worker in the section of paediatricss of a teaching infirmary in another metropolis. While chew the fating with him, his caput of surgery came into his office to inform him that they can non make any surgery that twenty-four hours because they have run out of all surgical kits but one, which they are reserving for a desperate exigency † . One must maintain in head that these two incidents occurred in the really best and largest infirmaries in those two several metropoliss. Imagine a sawbones in New York City non being able to execute life-saving surgery because he has merely one surgical kit left to utilize. What tumult would such a thing cause! These two incidents and the aforesaid issues are among the many factors that foster the counterfeiting of drugs and have led to th eir overpowering presence in the Nigerian medical market place. In an interview with my ma, she stated, â€Å" they say that 60-70 % of pharmaceuticals in the market topographic point of Nigeria were imitative † . However, in my interview of my male parent he refuted that statistic: â€Å" of pharmaceutical merchandises in the market, approximately 20 % are estimated to be imitative † . So which statistic is accurate? Well, merely the fact that there is some difference as to the sum of forgeries on the market suggests that there is an innate job with the information that is distributed to the population. My parents are highly educated compared to the mean Nigerian, yet there still seems to be some dissension. â€Å" Everyone involved in contending the illegal trade admit how hard it is to quantify the job and hence step its success † . As stated by Abiodun Raufu of the World Health Organization, the forgery market thrives on ignorance among the people: â€Å" In 2001, most Nigerian consumers were unmindful to the danger of f orgery drugs. ‘Fake drug traders used to boom chiefly because of a deficiency of consciousness ‘ [ stated Dora Akunyil ] . Warnings were broadcast on wireless and telecasting to do the public aware of the dangers and to promote people to describe leery drugs. Newspapers on a regular basis published lists on forgery drugs. Last twelvemonth, fake drugs deserving about two billion naira ( US $ 16 million! ) were voluntarily handed over by forgers or seized after tip-offs from the populace † . Progression is being made but his deficiency of consciousness will finally forestall the cognition of caution from spreading through the population. How does this contrast with the U.S. ? Surprisingly, there is a turning job of forgery drugs in the U.S. every bit good because of the turning disposition of upper category society to seek â€Å" non-traditional † medicine imported from different states. Harmonizing to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medi cine: ‘more than one-third ( about 36 % ) of U.S grownups use complementary and alternate medical specialty and that figure is on the rise † . Let ‘s travel back to the about tragic narrative of my older brother and his terrible asthma onslaughts. Although the consequence was about tragic, my ma did what she was supposed to make. She gave her boy medicine that she expected to assist alleviate his symptoms. So whose mistake was it? Depending on who you ask the reply will change, most patients will fault the physician because he was the 1 who wrote the prescription. Others will fault the druggist because he was the 1 who bottled the medicine as if it was the exact same medicine. Still others will fault themselves for giving their kid medicine that hurt them. To this twenty-four hours, my ma blames herself for what occurred and remains cautious when she gives her kids medicine. Even so, indicating the finger is non of import in this state of affairs. More of import than who is to fault is analysing whether the state of affairs is still salvageable. At some point in every issue or treatment, there is a point of no return, where any solution becomes inaccessible. Could the medical market place in Nigeria have already been packed to the top with so many forgery drugs that it will be impossible to blush them all out, or at least to the degree of tolerability? Still, some argue that an chance exists for betterment in the Nigerian pharmaceutical sector and the full wellness attention system. There was a recent U.S. wellness attention reform jurisprudence passed in March 2010. While the jurisprudence ( Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [ PPACA ] ) remains controversial, the jurisprudence expanded coverage to the antecedently uninsured and those with preexisting medical conditions, provided single authorizations so that those who are healthy can purchase insurance coverage thereby avoiding an unduly big bad pool that the insurance companies may be left with, and developed the program for the constitution of Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute ( PCORI ) to measure comparative effectivity of attention, among many other commissariats ( Kruger ) . Many Nigerian physicians, particularly those in the U.S. have discussed the possibility of suggesting statute law that has elements of this American statute law. There is talk that such a proviso may come up on the national treatment in the following 10 old ages. Besides, Nigeria has been at the head of planetary attempts to contend forgery drugs since Dora Akunyili took over the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control ( NAFDAC ) in 2001 ( Raufu ) . â€Å" Before Akunyili took over, staff abused their place to extort money from honest makers at the same clip as taking payoff from forgers in return for entree to the Nigerian medical specialties market. Akunyili fired the most corrupt of her officers. To promote honestness among her staying 3000 staff and to hike morale, she offered inducements such as preparation abroad, improved installations and a better working environment † . Nevertheless, no affair how promising this sounds, the obliteration of such jobs as counterfeiting is non even remotely close. The solution to these jobs ( which besides reflects what is go oning within the full society ) rests with leading. As my male parent pr ovinces: â€Å" Nigerian leaders and elites non merely steal public money instead than utilize such money to for the greater good of the people, they and their households fly abroad for their wellness attention and their kids ‘s instruction. So they lack the will or involvement to do things better for the generalization of the population † . Furthermore, nil in the medical market place will alter because leading will ne’er basically change for the greater good of the people of Nigeria. The point of no return has been reached. Analysis Of The Medical Marketplace Health And Social Care Essay Although my brother was a comparatively healthy babe, he suffered from terrible asthma onslaughts. At the clip, the interventions of asthma onslaughts were unwritten bronchodilators because inhalators were non readily available to be purchased in Nigeria. The customary process for antagonizing reoccurring asthma onslaughts was for one to see their physician, who would order one an unwritten bronchodilator that one could so buy from their local pharmaceutics. So my female parent took my brother to our local baby doctor who examined him and prescribed the unwritten bronchodilator, aminophylline. ( Harmonizing to the NIH, aminophylline is used to forestall and handle wheezing, shortness of breath, and trouble external respiration caused by asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and other lung diseases. It relaxes and opens air transitions in the lungs, doing it easier to take a breath ) . She so went to our local pharmaceutics to buy the aminophylline with the trade name name Franol. As a pediatrician-in-training, my Dad vehemently agreed with this determination and was the primary force in forcing the visit to the physician. He remembered that there were non many other merchandises on the Nigerian market that would be effectual. My female parent gave him one pill instantly and took him place to rest. Weeks subsequently my ma, a physician-in-training herself, was reading a local medical diary when she came to an article about forgery Franol. The article stated that there was imitative Franol on the market that was being distributed to all the pharmaceuticss in the state. Could I hold given my boy bogus medicine † , my female parent idea. This was in fact the instance. Even though the Franol had the exact same pill signifier and was the exact same medicine that had been successful in so many other instances, the Franol she had given to her boy was forgery. She was devastated: â€Å" I merely could n’t believe it † . Unfortunately, this was non her lone experience with imitative medicine ; anti-malarial forgeries were besides common in Nigeria. This occurred in the late eightiess as was mentioned before. One would hold expected that things have gotten much better. Unfortunately, non much had changed when my pa visited earlier this twelvemonth. In fact, as my male parent provinces, some facets have become even more inferior: â€Å" some things are worse as doctors now openly divert patients to their private clinics, something that was barely seen during my clip at that place † . So the basic inquiry that most would inquire is: why has at that place been so small alteration in the efficaciousness of the medical market place? Why can the Nigerian medical market place non germinate to go like that of the United States or others that are smartly regulated? The inquiry is more sophisticated answer than one would anticipate In fact, these inquiries can merely be answered by analysing another inquiry and the cardinal issue of my treatment: how and why does the efficaciousness of the Nigerian medical market place differ from the American system? To be clear, when I mention medical market place, I am specifically mentioning to the buying, merchandising, and efficaciousness of pharmaceuticals and equipment as they are distributed and wheedled in the community to ordain good wellness. Before I delve more profoundly into the issue, it is necessary to set the treatment into context with a elaborate description of Nigeria ( in contrast with the U.S. ) including critical statistics and wellness attention systems, among other things. With a late counted population of more than 144 million people, Nigeria is the most thickly settled state in Africa. Compare this to somewhat more than 300 million in the United States. Located in West Africa, it is somewhat more than twice the size of California and boundary lines the Gulf of Guinea, between Benin and Cameroon. Life anticipation is 44 old ages and 45 per centum of the population is under 15 old ages of age ( Chankova et al. , 1 ) , while life anticipation in the U.S. is about 70 old ages of age. The under-five mortality rate per 1,000 unrecorded births is 201 while the maternal mortality rate is estimate at 800 per 100,000 unrecorded births ( 1 ) . Among the major subscribers to the disease load of the state are malaria, TB, and HIV/AIDS. There are great disparities in wellness position and equity of wellness attention among different population groups in Nigeria. For illustration â€Å" the under-five mortality rate in rural countries is estimated at 243 per 1,000 unrecorded births, compared to 153 per 1,000 in urban countries. While 59 per centum of adult females in urban countries deliver with a physician, nurse, or mid married woman, merely 26 per centum of adult females in rural countries do so † ( 1 ) . Harmonizing to the World Health Organization, the entire outgo on wellness in Nigeria as per centum of GDP is equal to 4.1, about four times less than that of the United State at 15.5 per centum. The national wellness attention policies, schemes, and guidelines have been mostly related to turn to the wellness jobs related to malaria, TB, and HIV/AIDS. â€Å" A five-year strategic program for RBM was developed with chief aims to cut down the morbidity and mortality of malaria by 25 per centum by the terminal of 2005, peculiarly among pregnant adult females ; and to cut down malaria instance human death by 10 per centum in pregnant adult females and kids by the terminal of 2005 † ( 2 ) . However, these attempts have mostly been uneffective because of corruptness and inefficiency. The wellness service proviso in Nigeria includes a broad scope of suppliers in both the populace and private sector, such as public installations, every bit good as community based and religions based organisations. Nigeria is a federation with three grades of authorities: federal, province, and local. Responsibility for wellness service to the populace is based on this organisation. Each degree has a primary function in this wellness duty, which is non unlike that of the U.S. The first degree of attention is local. Facilities at this degree organize the entry point of the community into the wellness attention system. â€Å" They include wellness centres and clinics, dispensaries, and wellness stations, supplying general preventative, healing, and pre-referral attention. Primary installations are typically staffed by nurses, community wellness officers, community wellness extension workers, and environmental wellness officers. Local Government Areas are mandated by the fundamental law to finance and manage primary wellness attention † ( 2 ) . The following degree is province, including secondary attention installations. Secondary attention installations include â€Å" general infirmaries, supplying general medical and research lab services, every bit good as specialized wellness services, such as surgery, paediatricss, OBs and gynaecology. General infirmaries are typically staffed by doctors, nurses, accoucheuses, research lab and pharmaceutics spe cializers, and community wellness officers. Secondary degree installations serve as referral points for primary wellness attention installations. Each territory or zone is expected to hold at least one secondary degree wellness installation † ( 2 ) . The largest degree of attention is federal or third. The third degree installations form the highest degree of wellness attention in the state and include specializer and instruction infirmaries and federal medical centres. They treat patients referred from the primary and secondary degree and have particular expertness and â€Å" fully fledged technological capacity that enables them to function as referral centres and resource centres for cognition coevals and diffusion. Each province has at least one third installation. Primary and secondary degree of attention is besides provided by the mostly unregulated private wellness sector, which includes a broad scope of suppliers such as physician patterns, clinics, and infirmaries â €  ( 2 ) . Outside of the modern wellness attention system, faith-based organisations support clinics and infirmaries and traditional herb doctors are another often used beginning of attention. Nigeria has one of the largest stocks of human resources for wellness in Africa comparable merely to Egypt and South Africa. There are about 35,000 physicians and 210,000 nurses registered in the state, which translates into 28 physicians and 170 nurses per 100,000 in the population. ( 3 ) . However, this figure is still dwarfed by the United States. In comparing, the U.S has 218 physicians and 958 nurses per 100,000. In add-on, there is a really limited ( about non-existent ) local capacity for research and development of advanced pharmaceutical drugs to be put in to the medical market place. This means that the local fabrication capacity is merely geared towards a little category of common generic merchandises that are comparatively easy to fabricate. Even so, much of that capacity is for secondary packaging instead than for existent fabrication. Harmonizing to my male parent: â€Å" capacity use is merely approximately 40 % due to hapless basic substructure such as electric power coevals † . Imagine what that excess 40 per centum could make. In footings of the medical market place, a prescription is non needed to purchase antibiotics and most common medicines in Nigeria. Prescriptions are merely needed for controlled substances like opiods or benzodiazepines. Peoples can acquire ill and walk into a pharmaceutics inquiring for a peculiar sort of antibiotic. An immediate return of antibiotics is non possible without a prescription in the U.S. As good, Nigeria relies to a great extent on importing of finished pharmaceutical merchandises to run into national drug demands. Therefore, the pharmaceutical supply concatenation is really helter-skelter and until late was really ill regulated. Even so, the current regulative system has really limited capacity, particularly with the widespread corruptness and unequal enforcement of Torahs and ordinances, some of which are long disused. Unlike in the US, go oning instruction is non emphasized. Health attention suppliers frequently are non held decently accountable for their determina tions on attention, mostly because the patients are by and large uninformed and unempowered to be spouses in their attention. Added to all of the above is the fact that there is widespread superstitious notion, ignorance, and poorness. Many people still believe an unwellness to be a expletive visited on them by wicked/evil people or the spirit of their ascendants. There are still deep rooted beliefs in enchantresss. As a consequence, people foremost consult mediums, churches, mosques, traditional medical specialty men/women, and untrained drug shop attenders for intervention of common complaints. Others self-medicate. Often, the people use the infirmary or trained physician ‘s office as a last resort when their conditions are in advanced phases or worse, terminal. Let me besides add that in infirmaries and exigency suites, drugs and other supplies are frequently non-existent. In fact, my pa recounted sing a kids ‘s exigency room 6 old ages back: â€Å" I remember sing a kids ‘s exigency room in 2004 when we visited merely to see a kid with diabetic coma whose parents were told to travel to a pharmaceutics shop in town to purchase their ain insulin, syringe, needle, extract set, and extract, among other supplies needed. As if that was non bad plenty, subsequently he was told by the physicians in the exigency room that the insulin he bought was forgery and that it will non cut down the girl ‘s blood sugar. He now had to travel looking for a echt insulin injection † . An incident like this is can ne’er go on in the United States. If this were to go on in the U.S. and be reported by the imperativeness, there would instantly be an probe into the infirmary ‘s method, people would be arrested and caputs would tur n over. But in Nigeria, no one even water chickweeds. Subsequently my male parent recounted some more of his experiences with the medical market place in Nigeria: â€Å" In 2005, I was in another infirmary to see the caput of the infirmary who used to be my co-worker in the section of paediatricss of a teaching infirmary in another metropolis. While chew the fating with him, his caput of surgery came into his office to inform him that they can non make any surgery that twenty-four hours because they have run out of all surgical kits but one, which they are reserving for a desperate exigency † . One must maintain in head that these two incidents occurred in the really best and largest infirmaries in those two several metropoliss. Imagine a sawbones in New York City non being able to execute life-saving surgery because he has merely one surgical kit left to utilize. What tumult would such a thing cause! These two incidents and the aforesaid issues are among the many factors that foster the counterfeiting of drugs and have led to th eir overpowering presence in the Nigerian medical market place. In an interview with my ma, she stated, â€Å" they say that 60-70 % of pharmaceuticals in the market topographic point of Nigeria were imitative † . However, in my interview of my male parent he refuted that statistic: â€Å" of pharmaceutical merchandises in the market, approximately 20 % are estimated to be imitative † . So which statistic is accurate? Well, merely the fact that there is some difference as to the sum of forgeries on the market suggests that there is an innate job with the information that is distributed to the population. My parents are highly educated compared to the mean Nigerian, yet there still seems to be some dissension. â€Å" Everyone involved in contending the illegal trade admit how hard it is to quantify the job and hence step its success † . As stated by Abiodun Raufu of the World Health Organization, the forgery market thrives on ignorance among the people: â€Å" In 2001, most Nigerian consumers were unmindful to the danger of f orgery drugs. ‘Fake drug traders used to boom chiefly because of a deficiency of consciousness ‘ [ stated Dora Akunyil ] . Warnings were broadcast on wireless and telecasting to do the public aware of the dangers and to promote people to describe leery drugs. Newspapers on a regular basis published lists on forgery drugs. Last twelvemonth, fake drugs deserving about two billion naira ( US $ 16 million! ) were voluntarily handed over by forgers or seized after tip-offs from the populace † . Progression is being made but his deficiency of consciousness will finally forestall the cognition of caution from spreading through the population. How does this contrast with the U.S. ? Surprisingly, there is a turning job of forgery drugs in the U.S. every bit good because of the turning disposition of upper category society to seek â€Å" non-traditional † medicine imported from different states. Harmonizing to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medi cine: ‘more than one-third ( about 36 % ) of U.S grownups use complementary and alternate medical specialty and that figure is on the rise † . Let ‘s travel back to the about tragic narrative of my older brother and his terrible asthma onslaughts. Although the consequence was about tragic, my ma did what she was supposed to make. She gave her boy medicine that she expected to assist alleviate his symptoms. So whose mistake was it? Depending on who you ask the reply will change, most patients will fault the physician because he was the 1 who wrote the prescription. Others will fault the druggist because he was the 1 who bottled the medicine as if it was the exact same medicine. Still others will fault themselves for giving their kid medicine that hurt them. To this twenty-four hours, my ma blames herself for what occurred and remains cautious when she gives her kids medicine. Even so, indicating the finger is non of import in this state of affairs. More of import than who is to fault is analysing whether the state of affairs is still salvageable. At some point in every issue or treatment, there is a point of no return, where any solution becomes inaccessible. Could the medical market place in Nigeria have already been packed to the top with so many forgery drugs that it will be impossible to blush them all out, or at least to the degree of tolerability? Still, some argue that an chance exists for betterment in the Nigerian pharmaceutical sector and the full wellness attention system. There was a recent U.S. wellness attention reform jurisprudence passed in March 2010. While the jurisprudence ( Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [ PPACA ] ) remains controversial, the jurisprudence expanded coverage to the antecedently uninsured and those with preexisting medical conditions, provided single authorizations so that those who are healthy can purchase insurance coverage thereby avoiding an unduly big bad pool that the insurance companies may be left with, and developed the program for the constitution of Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute ( PCORI ) to measure comparative effectivity of attention, among many other commissariats ( Kruger ) . Many Nigerian physicians, particularly those in the U.S. have discussed the possibility of suggesting statute law that has elements of this American statute law. There is talk that such a proviso may come up on the national treatment in the following 10 old ages. Besides, Nigeria has been at the head of planetary attempts to contend forgery drugs since Dora Akunyili took over the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control ( NAFDAC ) in 2001 ( Raufu ) . â€Å" Before Akunyili took over, staff abused their place to extort money from honest makers at the same clip as taking payoff from forgers in return for entree to the Nigerian medical specialties market. Akunyili fired the most corrupt of her officers. To promote honestness among her staying 3000 staff and to hike morale, she offered inducements such as preparation abroad, improved installations and a better working environment † . Nevertheless, no affair how promising this sounds, the obliteration of such jobs as counterfeiting is non even remotely close. The solution to these jobs ( which besides reflects what is go oning within the full society ) rests with leading. As my male parent pr ovinces: â€Å" Nigerian leaders and elites non merely steal public money instead than utilize such money to for the greater good of the people, they and their households fly abroad for their wellness attention and their kids ‘s instruction. So they lack the will or involvement to do things better for the generalization of the population † . Furthermore, nil in the medical market place will alter because leading will ne’er basically change for the greater good of the people of Nigeria. The point of no return has been reached.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

London is now a more global city than New York Essay

London is now a more global city than New York - Essay Example The criteria used for identification is usually based on a yardstick value which considers the producer service sector or the imminent determination which basically compares the productivity of the cities. There are a number of global cities in the world including London and New York.Economic characteristics of a global city†¢ A global city serves as the corporate headquarter for multinational corporations, financial institutions, stock exchanges, law firms and conglomerates that influence the economy of the world as a whole.London offers major business and financial services for example; it is home to more than 33% of European headquarters of Global Fortune 500.†¢ To be a global city, it should also be able to contribute some considerable financial output to the city’s regions and the nation’s GDP†¢ A global city needs to appear at the top of the cost of living.†¢ It should be home to major stock markets.More than 40% of the world's foreign equities and shares are traded in London, more than are traded in New York.Over 30% of the world's foreign exchanges take place in London, which is more than Tokyo and New York put together. New York, same to Tokyo rely mainly on their large American and Asian domestic markets while around 80% of London’s business is international.  Political characteristics†¢ London, Berlin, Tokyo, Paris among others, feature among the cities that have achieved this. New York is not among them. The standards of living or the quality of life should be considerably high.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Korea in the Cold War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Korea in the Cold War - Essay Example 883). The war broke in June 25, 1950; led by the Soviet made tanks, the North Korean military rumbled across the thirty-eighth parallel. South Korea was caught unprepared, and their forces were pushed back southward to a treacherously tiny defensive region around Pusan. In the process of restoring peace between these two regimes, General MacArthur was the U.N. commander in the entire operation. Instead of fighting his way out of the southern Pusan perimeter, MacArthur launched a bold amphibious landing behind the rival’s lines at Inchon. This action succeeded, and the North Koreans scrambled back behind the asylum of the thirty-eighth parallel. MacArthur received authorization to cross the border to North Korea by the U.N. Assembly; President Truman ordered him northward. MacArthur insisted there was no substitute for victory, and his comments against Truman led to his removal from command (Kennedy et al. 884). The Korean War provided the occasion for a vast expansion of the A merican army. President Truman gave orders to MacArthur, and this shows that America was extensively involved in the war. Through the National Security Council Memorandum Number 68 (NSC-68), President Truman ordered enormous military buildup which was beyond what was essential for the instant purposes of the Korean War. (Kennedy et al. 883). Truman took advantage of the temporary absence of the Soviet Union from the U.N. Security Council, to obtain an undisputed condemnation of North Korea as the assailant. Without consulting the Congress, Truman ordered U.S. naval and air units to support South Korea. When America realized there was no intervention from China or the Soviet Union, they raised their stakes in Korea. The Chinese communists counter attacked North Korea when hostile troops approached the Yalu River border between China and Korea. The effects of the Korean War later led to disintegration of North Korea and South Korea. In July 1951, peace discussions started in a rude meadow tent close to the firing line, but these talks were also immediately hitched on the issue of prisoner exchange. Talks hauled unproductively for almost two years (Kennedy et al. 885). The events of this war led to hilarious welcome of MacArthur’s actions whereas Truman was condemned as an appeaser of Communist China and Communist Russia. These two countries up until now involve themselves in the blame game, in relation to nuclear weapons. # 3 The cold war began in 1945 after the end of the World War II. After Americans celebrated their nation’s victories in Asia and Europe, they started ending relations with their wartime ally after the Soviet Union threatened a new and more terrible international conflict (Kennedy et al. 858). According to historical relations of United States and the Soviet Union, there was little hope that these two nations would reach pleasant understandings about the form of the postwar world. Mutual suspicions were antique, abiding, and abundant. Communism in the Soviet Union and capitalism in America facilitated the cold war. The delays of opening up a second fr ont against Germany by America and Britain nourished the skepticism of the Soviet towards the West. America and Britain had also frozen their Soviet ally out of the project of developing atomic weapons, further adding the mistrust. The Washington authorities deteriorated

Monday, August 26, 2019

Lose Control in Gas and Oil Industry Term Paper

Lose Control in Gas and Oil Industry - Term Paper Example Often, these salt producers found the oil and gas that erupted along with the salt brine to be a nuisance. However, some intrepid salt manufacturers sold it for medicinal purposes, or to burn as lighting fuel. Although the natural gas industry is purported to have begun in 1821, George Bissel and Edwin L. Drake created the first drilling rig that was ever used for the specific production of oil on August 28, 1859 near Titusville, Pennsylvania. This well, named the Drake, is considered the first intentional well drilled for oil, as other wells that were drilled at the time were for salt brine or water. ( History_of_the_petroleum_industry_in_the_United_States) The drilling for oil became a phenomenon that sparked many new enterprising companies to start their own oil-related ventures. This â€Å"boom† as it commonly referred to, created a need for workers on a massive scale that was not there in the past. They now needed refineries, drilling tools an d most importantly, manpower. There was so much money to be made in the drilling and production of these new wells that loss of a man’s 2 life became known as acceptable risk, and simply turned a blind eye to the likelihood of being injured or killed. In the oilfield’s infancy, the most common cause of death for these men was the well caving in on them, fires, and explosions. It was not until the year 1900, when a Texas man by the name of Curt Hamill came up with the revolutionary idea of using mud in the hole to flush it out as they drilled, instead of water. This proved to be a remarkable act, as not only did it allow the cuttings to surface, it prevented the hole from caving in. mud is used in just about every drilling operation world wide since. ( 2. Training and Impact on the Oil and Gas Industry In today’s oil and gas industry, there is no longer an acceptable risk hazard associated with the work itself. A singl e death is not acceptable, regardless of the circumstance. Most commonly, deaths occur from either fire or unsafe work, although there are many variables in the number of recordable deaths in the oil and gas sector each year. Given today’s higher standards, the oil and gas business have implemented a wide variety of standards, assessments, and analyses on each type of work performed. These new instructions have greatly improved the production, as well as significantly increased the health and safety of all employees involved. The training of potential employees is extensive, with much emphasis on safety procedures and equipment. They receive this training before they are allowed to enter a location where drilling or fracturing is taking place. Even with company specific training, there are still many other classes all potential and present employees must attend. These include but are not limited to fall hazards and protection, tripping hazards, pinch points, chemicals and the ir uses, confined space 3 training, among other certifications. Another key point in the training of new employees is the stress put on what is commonly called stop work authority. This enables any employee to stop work if any perceived or real unsafe condition exists, without repercussion. This can include shutting down a job completely, and cost the company millions of dollars. This was implemented to ensure safe procedures, and safe work

Hunger in Nigeria, Africa Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hunger in Nigeria, Africa - Research Paper Example While population growth may be a contributing factor to modern hunger in Nigeria, there are other causes that relate more directly. The biggest cause of childhood hunger and malnutrition in Nigeria can be traced to the over reliance on oil exports for income. In the early 1980’s, Nigeria began to develop oil reserves in the Niger Delta. The booming oil prices at the time convinced the government that the best path to prosperity for the nation was to focus on oil exports as a source of revenue. As a result, plantations and the entire agricultural sector became antiquated. Farmers actually became less productive over time period when the government was only focusing on oil production. This approach would have worked for Nigeria if the government and business leaders were people of integrity. Unfortunately, much of Nigeria’s oil wealth ends up in the pockets of corrupt government officials and those that are already wealthy. The entire nation has not benefited from the exp loitation of natural resources so hunger has increased over the past several decades. Another cause of hunger in Nigeria is natural disasters such as droughts. Nigeria is susceptible to fluctuations in seasonal rainfall, especially in the north. Droughts have cause acute famine in some parts of the country. A final cause of hunger in Nigeria is social and political unrest. Tensions between Muslim Nigerians in the north and traditional Christian beliefs in the south have resulted in fighting that disrupts food supplies. There has also been unrest in the Niger Delta region by factions working to disrupt the flow of oil. These groups seek a larger share of oil profits for their communities. As a nation, Nigeria is trying to overcome some of these obstacles to food production. One of the efforts is centered on making Nigerian farms more productive so the nation does not need to depend on imports for feeding their population. Nigeria has a proud heritage of agricultural independence and some feel that modernizing the agricultural sector will alleviate much of the suffering. Domestically produced food will be less susceptible to fluctuations in commodity prices that agricultural products bought from abroad. Upgrading and modernizing agricultural processes in Nigeria will take a lot of money. Most of the remaining farmers do not have money to buy equipment or more land. One suggestion from opposition groups in the government is to create a fund from oil revenue that gives grants to small farmers wanting to increase productivity. Some feel that this could only be overseen by an international agency because of the high levels of corruption in the Nigerian government. A final effort being used by the government is coordinating emergency relief efforts more closely with NGO’s such as Save the Children, that specialize in alleviating child hunger all over the world. In recent years, the number of children suffering from malnutrition in the whole of Africa has incre ased. There are nearly 15 million more hungry children in Africa now than there were ten years ago. The greatest numbers of these children can be found in Nigeria and Kenya. In these places, many children subsist on diets that have low nutritional vale, featuring foods such as cassava, white rice and maize. Conditions that have contributed to the increase in hungry

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Ralph Vaughan Williams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ralph Vaughan Williams - Essay Example At this juncture, in order to understand the reasons behind the great degree of neglect Vaughan Williams faced, it is necessary to start from the beginning of his musical life. Ralph Vaughan Williams was born as the third child of Arthur and Margaret Vaughan Williams, on 12 October 12, 1872, in Down Ampney. Arthur was the vicar of All Saints Church at Down Ampney. Ralph received his early music lessons from his aunt Sophy as music was important in the family. Thus, at the age of six, he produced his first piano piece named ‘The Robin Nest’. According to records, he also loved reading, playing duets, and enjoying Shakespearian works3. As he reached the preparatory school at Rottingdean, he realised that he was good in violin. However, his family wanted him to concentrate on organ instead of violin. After his preparatory school, he joined the Royal College of Music where Sir Hubert Parry gave him in depth knowledge about music. Furthermore, it was at this time that he was filled with a degree of nobility and greatness of English choral tradition. One can see the influence of folk songs on the texture, contours, and melodies of his works like Fen Country and Norfolk Rhapsodies. In addition, there was the impact of his connection with hymn-tunes on his works as he was the musical editor of the English Hymnal for a long time. At that time, he spent considerable amount of time studying the works of Tudor and Elizabethan composers. In fact, over these years, he was influenced by the works of a lot of great people ranging from Sir Hubert Parry, Tudor, and Elizabethan choral music. Thus, in the year 1910, he produced remarkable works like Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis and A Sea Symphony. As Alain Frogley points out, the lack of recognition received by Vaughan Williams was not a mere accident; instead, his contribution was distorted and blighted â€Å"not only by the international musical politics of this century,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Imperialism (ANALYSIS PAPERS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Imperialism (ANALYSIS PAPERS) - Essay Example ects to the political, social and moral standard of the community assuming that the current group of immigrants is of inferior quality to the past (Fetter). Prescott Hall has aptly stated these apprehension as his observation dictates that the immigrants are among the lowest class in their native country and the addition of such to the American community would degrade the quality of its people (1906). Particularly, they stand as rival to the resources that should be abundantly enjoyed by the Americans including labor opportunities and hefty wages. In simple economic concept, the addition of immigrants to the labor force, adds to the current supply of labor which dampens its price. Other social perils such as crime, juvenile delinquency and even illiteracy are also among the ones mentioned by Hall, concluding that the immigrants post higher number in these figures. Owing to America’s philatrophic inclination, the absence of restriction could have been an act of extending help to the non-Americans, providing them opportunities for a better quality of life, however one observation says that even this process is a vain endeavor in altering the condition of the poor from other countries (Fetter). Those who are against the immigration restriction are those who believe that the immigrants are not perils, rather contributors to the American society, mentioning the likes of Andrew Carnegie, Samuel Gompers and James J. Hill to include the list of desirable immigrants (Warne). Warne believes that immigration has brought the country the industrious, the God-fearing and the courageous men from around the world (1916). Mr. James Bryce has also excellently concluded that the assimilation of Americans with other races actually enlivens intellectual fertility and boosts the creative power of the country to a higher level of production (1891). The debaters continued on to dispel the figures proving higher crime rate, juvenile deliquency and illiteracy of the immigrants are not

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Macro and Micro-economic Concerns of the High Unemployment Essay

The Macro and Micro-economic Concerns of the High Unemployment - Essay Example Importantly, unemployment is highest in less developed nations; however, with the global economic slump, developed economies are of late facing the challenge. Predominantly, the US subprime challenges and its wide spread effects have considerably worsened the situation. In India, the challenge of unemployment is a prime obstacle to the region’s development. Studies note that even during the good periods, most Indian farmers remain unemployed for several years. Explosive populations and region disparity presents the major challenge for this economy. According to International Labor Organization (ILO) statistics, since the beginning of the 2007 fiscal crisis, the corporate world has lost more than thirty-four million employees. Indeed, the organization’s estimate of the year 2010 presented that about 210 million people were unemployed (Bahmani 236). Surprisingly, terrifying prospect states that the world’s youth unemployment figures may amplify progressively at a y early average rate of 13.2 %. As such, the organization presents sentiments that economical consequence of this situation is perilous thus demands critical attentions. The rational behind the high rate of unemployment Rethinking of the controversy characterizing the world’s present condition of unemployment is of great essence. A major factor increasing the unemployment rates is the lack of sustainable demands for the labor. Bahmani (236) notes that in developing economies, a considerable group of people works as extra labor. This case has emerged by sense that the world lack approaches for promoting industrial and corporate ventures that can comfortably absorb its labor. Tactical...This essay presents an modern attempt to find the solution to the unemployment issue on both micro and macro levels, by performing thorough theoretical research of the problem. Unemployment is an old economic challenge; thus, economists and policy makers have ever struggled to counter the problem. This effort has managed to regulate the spread pace, but of late, the situation has gone out of control. Strategic arguments observe that both macro and micro-economists should examine the present rates of unemployment critically. Unemployment invites financial disaster and reduces the aggregate purchasing capacity of a country. Unemployment leads to less spending hence minimizing businesses’ capital Adopting tactical measures can minimize the challenge presented by high rates of unemployment. Considering the magnitude of the matter, it is rational to propose that any future economic reforms and industrial adjustments should target reducing the challenge of unemployment. Both economists and policy makers need to work communally while according preference to unemployment. Tactical approaches entail promoting sustainable utilization of the available resources and engaging further industrial and technological developments. The corporate world and government entities should engage tactical measures aimed at alleviating unemployment. Developing employment opportunities and parity in income allotment will considerably address the concern of unemployment. Economies proliferation in future resides on the world’s unemployment rates.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ap Chemistry - Gravimetric Lab Essay Example for Free

Ap Chemistry Gravimetric Lab Essay By filtering and weighing the carbonate after it has precipitated, the mass and moles of CaCO3 could then be found; with these values, a molar mass of M2CO3 can be found. Using gravimetric analysis, it has been determined that the unknown Group 1 metal carbonate compound is K2CO3 (potassium carbonate). Experimental Sources of Error: A) The first source of error had to do with the precipitation section of the lab. Not only is possible, but it is almost guaranteed that the CaCO3 did not precipitate to its fullest extent. Attaining a precipitate that is 100% pure and is exactly of the composition represented by its chemical formula would be extremely difficult. A second source of error was in the filter paper. No filter paper can be perfect, and it is very likely that it did not filter all of the precipitate, which would then decrease not only the mass of CaCO3, but also the molar mass because only the majority of the correct mass of the precipitate was found; by lowering the mass of a compound, its molar mass will also fall. B) After the precipitate had been filtered and dried, the filer paper that contained the precipitate was mishandled and its contents was scattered all over our lab bench. The dried precipitate had to be then gathered and then put back onto the filter paper; this contributed a large portion of human error to this lab. Spilling the dried precipitate is a source of human because it is almost guaranteed that not all of the precipitate was collected that had been spilled. This would have then lowered the mass of all of the following data, and wholly, our end result (i.e. molar mass). C) Percent error = your result-accepted valueaccepted value x 100 Percent error = 128.79-138.21138.21 x 100 = 6.8157% Considering that any percent error that is under 5% is often times considered accurate, a percent error of 6.8% can be viewed as fairly accurate. It is not too far off to completely disregard, but it is also not close enough to use as fact.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Purpose of Art Essay Example for Free

Purpose of Art Essay The quote â€Å"Anyone who says you can’t see a thought simply doesn’t know art† by Wynetka Ann Reynolds. Reynolds is saying in this quote that you need some thinking or imaginations to see or do art. I think, If someone can’t see and figure that out, how can he draw or write music ? . In this quote Reynolds is saying that the purpose of art is thinking, like an imagination, imagination is the true inspiration of art. Without imagination we can’t have art. Also without imagination other items like philosophy itself cannot exist. The Art needs imagination or thinking. Art Should need imagination, for example, young children draws something unexpected, interesting even surprising for old peoples point of view, because they have lot of imaginations. Like they draws about speaking birds, talking dogs, those imaginations will give them more inspiration which eventually led them to be creative. A photographer must imagine what the end result will look like before snap the picture. Writer must imagine what his reader will see or comprehend when they have finished reading the article. Musician, whether creating a musical piece or plying an existing piece, must imagine what the music looks and sound like, and what those who hear it will hear, see and feel. Any form of art MUST involve imagination. Imagination is used in all aspects of life. Every inventor, artist, doctor, architect, â€Å"all people† use imagination. You have to be a creative thinker to produce anything. Which did not exist before It takes vision, imagination and intelligence to implement a new concept. The Artists should use imagination to talk or express their thought. Without imagination art itself cannot exist, it just will be one of copying thing without creativity.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Evolutionary Approaches to Economic Change

Evolutionary Approaches to Economic Change What is the evolutionary approach to economic change? How does it compare with conventional approach in mainstream economics? Introduction The changes in the economic process brought about by innovation, together with all their effects, and the response to them by the economic system, we shall designate by the term Economic Evolution†, Schumpeter (1939).[1] The above description of economic evolution by Schumpeter aptly illustrates the picture of the evolutionary approach to economic change, where innovations and technology set the economic system in dynamic motion.[2] It takes into account the complexity of economic change by emphasizing: a.) the importance of technology as a contributing factor to economic change; b.) the factors that create states of disequilibrium; c.) the uncertainty of the economic system; d.) the importance of entrepreneurship; and e.) the diversity of growth rates. The evolutionary approach emphasizes dynamism in terms of competition between and among firms, which necessitates making new adaptations to the changing environment brought about by transformations created by other firms. [3] On the other hand, the conventional approach to economic change in mainstream economics perceives economic change as a function of savings, population growth and technological progress (which are viewed as exogenous), ascertain t he static income per capita levels. [4] It assumes that the growth rate of total output will in fact, always move towards a given constant level which represents a state of steady economic growth. [5] Moreover, the conventional approach operates on the basis of assumptions that center on the existence of perfect information, absence of uncertainty and achievement of warranted economic change. Comparative Analysis of Evolutionary and Conventional Approaches to Economic Change Evolutionary and conventional approaches to economic change differ in many aspects. In the context of economic change, these important differences center on the following points: a.) use of metaphors; b.) states of equilibrium / disequilibrium; and c.) emphasis on technological progress as input to economic change. Use of Metaphors The evolutionary approach uses biological metaphors to explain economic change, which uses the living organism in its analogy in effecting such change. This approach uses biological / genetic mutations to represent the small changes coming from investments in already existing enterprises. The process of mutation as evolutionary adaptation for survival lies on the nature of biological mutations which happens at random and where natural selection weeds out the unsuccessful species. Similarly, economic change in the context of the evolutionary approach occurs in a competitive environment where changes are made at random and where enterprises with less efficient management systems become the unsuccessful ones. On the other hand, the conventional approach uses physical metaphors such as investments taking the form of physical inputs such as â€Å"modifications of existing factories, fields, roads, harbours, etc†. [6] States of Equilibrium / Disequilibrium The evolutionary approach highlights the dynamic interaction of the various firms, consumers, households and markets, taking into account the distribution of income and production among them, thereby emphasizing the influence of a diverse group of variables on economic change. This is in stark contrast to the consideration of the economy as an aggregate entity by the conventional approach. In effect, the variables being diverse and numerous in the perspective of the evolutionary approach, potentially create states of dynamic disequilibrium within the economic system. These states of disequilibrium are in fact embodied in the structural change within the economic system which is â€Å"a necessary reflection of diversity in the growth rates of different activities.[7] It rejects the classical assumption of Say’s Law [8] , [9], since the evolutionary approach is grounded on a more realistic view of the economy where society places a value on the goods produced based on its prefe rences and tastes, thus, the uncertainty of gains and losses are well taken into account. This realistic view of the evolutionary approach to economic change therefore delves into the interaction between the diverse agents or actors involved in the economic system as a whole. These interactive processes being essentially dynamic and transformative in nature, expose the economic system into more random forces that lead to a disorderly state or to a state of disequilibrium. In this scenario, market processes shape the competitive process which breeds innovation consequently leading to the restless quest for technological progress. Technological progress later determines market share and hence, becomes a useful yardstick of competitive edge. In this case, there is hardly any state of equilibrium, but instead, there exist randomly interacting forces colliding with one another, producing further disequilibrium in the economic system. A useful analogy would be to equate biological evoluti onary forces that determine the likelihood of an organism to survive in a constantly changing environment, to the economic factors that cause disequilibrium which determine the competitive strength of firms in the face of imperfect competition. The conventional approach views economic change as a stationary or static process, and thus, the growth of all activities† are â€Å"at a uniform rate†. [10] The neoclassical theory which follows a conventional approach negates the importance of economic forces that often influence the rate of economic change, making it an idealized approach. Thus, in this case, there is a total absence of unemployment or inflation, while what exists is a uniform return to scale. This approach models economic change in a state of equilibrium where economic decisions are made from perfect information, and are carried out with â€Å"perfect foresight and precision so that there is never any excess supply of or, excess demand for, labor or land.† [11] This approach also assumes that a perfect suitability exists in production between capital goods and consumption goods, thus, â€Å"only one commodity is produced which may be used either for final consumption or for addition to the st ock of instruments of production.† [12] Hence this steady state of economic change in the perspective of the conventional approach assumes that: (i) all elasticities of substitution between the various factors are equal to unity, (ii) technical progress is neutral towards all factors, and (iii) the proportions of profits saved, of wages saved, and of rents saved were all three constant, [13] The conventional approach inherently possesses an â€Å"apparent inability to account for observed diversity across countries† and a â€Å"strong and counterfactual prediction that international trade should include rapid movement towards equality in capital-labor ratios and factor prices.† [14] Since it emphasizes the production function where the relationship of inputs of factors used to generate the output becomes a major consideration, in effect, it uses the classical assumption of Say’s Law.[15] Technology as Input to Economic Change The evolutionary approach to economic change emphasizes the role of technological knowledge in the improvement of economic productivity. It presupposes that technological progress and innovation are central to the attainment of economic change. J.S. Gans asserts that acceleration to the growth rate could be achieved if resources would be allocated to the production and distribution of knowledge. [16] The endogenous sources of technological progress and innovation are the institutions and organizations within which it becomes an integral part. This approach emphasizes the need to capitalize on institutions and organizations as sources of technological knowledge, in effect highlighting the importance of entrepreneurship in the quest for economic change. The costliness of technological innovation becomes embedded in the central factor of entrepreneurship which is viewed as a factor that drives capital deepening through shifts in the production function to achieve a higher rate of techno logical progress.[17] The conventional approach regards technology as exogenous and therefore is not regarded as an inherent part of the economic system . It does not trace the source of economic growth to technological innovation and consequently assumes that technology is a free good,â€Å"manna from heaven.† [18] Conclusion In the final analysis, the revolutionary and conventional approaches to economic change lie on opposite planes of the overarching concept of economic change. Their differences lie on the following salient points: The evolutionary approach emphasizes: the use of biological metaphors, dynamic change, and disequilibrium factors in a diverse economic system and entrepreneurship; and puts significant consideration on the role of technological knowledge as an endogenous part of institutions and organizations responsible for wealth creation and distribution. The conventional approach on the other hand, espouses: the use of physical metaphors, static or comparative static condition; disregards entrepreneurship due to the aggregate production perspective; and considers technological knowledge as a free, exogenous good , not directly associated with wealth creation and distribution. References: Dosi, G., Nelson, R. R., â€Å"Evolutionary Theories†. In Markets and Organization, ed. Arena, R., Longhi, C., 205-234. New York: Springer – Verlag, 1998. Gans, Joshua, S. â€Å"Knowledge of Growth and the Growth of Knowledge†. Information Economics and Policy, 4 (1989/91): 201 – 224. Green, Eric Marshall. Economic Security and High Technology Competition in an Age of Transition: The Case of the Semiconductor Industry. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1996. Lucas, Robert, E. Jr., â€Å"On the Mechanics of Economic Development† . Journal of Monetary Economics , 22 (July 1988): 3-42. Martens, Bertin. The Cognitive Mechanics of Economic Development and Institutional Change. New York: Routledge, 2004. Meade, J. E. A Neo-Classical Theory of Economic Growth. New York: Oxford University Press, 1961. Meliciani, Valentina. Technology, Trade, and Growth in OECD Countries: Does Specialisation Matter?. London: Routledge, 2001. Metcalfe, J. Stanley. Evolutionary Economics and Creative Destruction. London: Routledge, 1998. Metcalfe, J.S. â€Å"Knowledge of growth and the growth of knowledge.† Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 12 (March 2002): 3-15. Nelson, Richard. How New Is New Growth Theory?. Challenge 40, no. 5 (1997): 29+. Reinert, E. S., Riiser, V. Recent Trends in economic theory – implications for development geography. Oslo, Norway: Studies in Innovation and Economic Policy ( Step Group) , 12 (August, 1994): 1-12. ISSN : 0804-8185. Available from: Accessed ; 18, November, 2006. Scott, Maurice Fitzgerald. A New View of Economic Growth. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. Sengupta, Jati K. New Growth Theory: An Applied Perspective. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 1998. 1 Footnotes [1] J. Stanley Metcalfe, Evolutionary Economics and Creative Destruction (London: Routledge, 1998 ): 103. [2] Giovanni Dosi, Richard R. Nelson, â€Å"Evolutionary Theories† in Markets and Organization, ed. Arena, R., Longhi, C. (New York: Springer – Verlag, 1998): 205-234. [3] Maurice Fitzgerald Scott, A New View of Economic Growth (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991): 124. [4] Jati K. Sengupta, New Growth Theory: An Applied Perspective (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 1998): 13. [5] J. E. Meade, A Neo-Classical Theory of Economic Growth (New York: Oxford University Press, 1961): 30. [6] Maurice Fitzgerald Scott, A New View of Economic Growth , 125. [7] J. S. Metcalfe, â€Å"Knowledge of growth and the growth of knowledge†. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 12 ( March 2002): 3-15. [8] Say’s Law assumes that â€Å"everything produced has some value for the community†. [9] Joshua S. Gans, â€Å" Knowledge of growth and the growth of knowledge†. Information Economics and Policy 4 (1989/91): 203. [10] J. Stanley Metcalfe, Evolutionary Economics and Creative Destruction, 3. [11] J. E. Meade, A Neo-Classical Theory of Economic Growth (New York: Oxford University Press, 1961): 4 [12] Ibid, 6. [13] . J. E. Meade, A Neo-Classical Theory of Economic Growth, 30. [14] Robert E. Lucas, Jr., â€Å"On the Mechanics of Economic Development†. Journal of Monetary Economics 22 (July, 1988): 3-42. [15] Joshua S. Gans, â€Å"Knowledge of growth and the growth of knowledge†. Information Economics and Policy 4 (1989/91):203 [16] Joshua S. Gans, â€Å"Knowledge of Growth.., 220. [17] J. S. Metcalfe, â€Å"Knowledge of growth†¦, 4. [18] Erik S. Reinert and Vermund Riiser. Recent Trends in economic theory – implications for development geography. (Oslo, Norway: Studies in Technology, Innovation and Economic Policy: Step Group, 1998): 10. ISSN: 0804-8185. Available from: Accessed: 18 November, 2006.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Who is Under Bondage? :: The Mission A Respectable Trade Slavery Essays

Who is Under Bondage? In analyzing two films, A Respectable Trade and The Mission, the oppression of the slaves and the indigenous people of the Guarani is strikingly blatant. The cruelty of the slave owners in A Respectable Trade and the Spanish and Portuguese who killed the Gauarani tribe in The Mission probably provokes disgust in the emotions of the viewer. Yet perhaps sympathy could also arise for a less obvious third party. Though the lives of the slaves were not their own, Francis Scott, their manager, was under bondage as well, in her own marriage. Though the Guarani were subject to either slavery or the converting of their lives to Christianity, the Jesuits, those that were responsible for converting them, were also bound to the decisions of another, in this case the church as an institution. The difference in the bondage of these two parties is that the slaves and Gauarani did not have a choice, whereas Francis and the Jesuits did. Despite their decisions to bind themselves to another entity, th ough, Francis and the Jesuits faced their own oppression. Yet, Francis and the Jesuits managed to exert their own control over the slaves and the Guarani while still being ultimately subjected to the contracts they voluntarily agreed to. They acted against their oppressors. Francis Scott in A Respectable Trade puts herself under bondage from the very moment she decided to get married. Francis asked for a job as an instructor and ended up with a slave-trading husband. Josiah was interested in her higher social status so as to boost his trade and wealth and perhaps move â€Å"across the river† with the wealthier class people. Little did Francis know she would be instructing slaves. This social process leads to the fact that, when analyzing their marriage in a class perspective, the relationship is feudal. Francis had a contract to serve Josiah in a specific way, and as her uncle warned her, she became Josiah’s property. As a feudal relationship, Josiah controlled the surplus from the profit of the slaves, and Francis received an allowance for managing them. Though Francis had a higher social status and education, ran the household, and even supposedly co-partnered with her husband, Josiah still had the ultimate control. This is illustrated f rom the very beginning of their marriage when Josiah and a fellow merchant raped one of the slaves, despite Francis’s plead. His control in this feudal class process is further exemplified through the fact that Josiah ultimately made all the economic decisions despite Francis’s influence.

A Developing Epidemic in Argentina :: Buenos Aires Journalism Influenza Health Essays

A Developing Epidemic in Argentina BUENOS AIRES, Argentina--December is one of the loveliest times of year in the southern hemisphere of South America. On a typical summer day on a warm, Sunday afternoon, residents of Buenos Aires enjoy a relaxing jaunt along the Avenida de Mayo where one can browse the numerous shops of rare antiquities or simply retire to drinking tea in front of one of the many cafes along the avenue. Families with boisterous children picnic within the many public parks and gardens and bask in the warm sun. Expecting to revel in the long days of summer, I was surprised to find that these scenes that danced in my memory, while fighting sea-sickness en route, have vanished along with the citizens of Buenos Aires. The streets of the city are quiet, day and night. This proud South American city with its traditional colonial origins and its progressive embracement of modernity has become a ghost town of fear, fear of the illness that U.S. citizens know as the Spanish Influenza. According the local authorities, the origins of Influenza was brought by ships traveling from North American ports to Buenos Aires. Currently, port authorities have been cautious with the admission of foreign vessels and have established a quarantine period prior to entry. U.S. clipper ships the Elsie and the Snowdon, along with the steamer, the Royston Grange of Edinburgh have been subject to this quarantine which not only limits their admission into port, but also places an embargo on certain perishable goods. These actions have provided dire consequences for the local economy. Because of a lack of foreign goods, many dock workers are jobless along with local merchants facing scarcities which have greatly inflated the price of certain foods. While this is a serious economic situation, authorities of Buenos Aires feel justified in their restrictions and cite current statistics related to the spread of influenza. As of last Monday, the civil registry in Buenos Aires reported that in one district, as many as 192 deaths from influenza occurred just on that day. Because of this large amount of death, the local cemetery was unable to offer proper burials to 155 of those victims. City leaders are beginning to realize that preventative methods are the best means of defense against influenza. Public address messages about personal hygiene are published in papers and broadcast on the radio.